The Registered Massage Therapists Association of British Columbia Schedule of Services and Fee Guideline states that an appointment includes:
Patient Education/Self Care
Charting and Administration
To conform with standard practice and avoid confusion, Stephen has changed the names of appointments to meet these guidelines. In the past appointments were named for the amount of treatment time (eg. a 45 minute treatment). Stephen booked an extra 15 minutes for sufficient time to complete the additional work .
For clarity, the following name changes will be made:
The 45 minute Treatment is now called a One Hour Appointment
I will continue to provide 45 minutes of treatment time and the additional 15 minutes for intake, assessment and administration but the name will indicate the actual amount of time booked. In August 2023, the fee will be $125.
The 60 minute Treatment is now called a Seventy-five Minute Appointment
I will continue to provide 60 minutes of treatment time and the additional 15 minutes for intake, assessment and administration but the name will indicate the actual amount of time booked. Starting September 1st, 2023 the Seventy-five minute appointment fee will be $145.
The 90 Minute Treatment is now called a 105 Minute Appointment
I will continue to provide 90 minutes of treatment time and the additional 15 minutes for intake, assessment and administration but the name will indicate the actual amount of time booked. Starting January 1st, 2021, the 105 Minute Appointment fee will be $200.
These name changes enable patients to know how much time to set aside for an appointment.